

题目:Anti-Eavesdropping Channel Estimation for Wireless Security

报告人:Yingbo Hua教授University of California, Riverside, IEEE Fellow

时间:2019726日星期五上午10:00-11:30 地点:电信楼305


Abstract:Wireless security is increasingly important as billions of people in the world become ever more dependent on wireless devices for our daily lives and businesses. Most of wireless devices are using carrier frequencies around 1-5 GHz as they have excellent propagation properties through rains, foliage and other medium. At such frequencies, radio propagation is broadcast in nature and prone to eavesdropping, for which signal processing methods at the physical layer can provide effective remedy.   In this talk, I will present a novel approach called anti-eavesdropping channel estimation (ANECE). This approach allows legitimate users to obtain consistent estimation of their channel state information but denies eavesdroppers (Eve) the same ability.  ANECE can achieve a positive secrecy against Eve with any numbers of antennas. 


Yingbo Hua received a B.S. degree in Control Engineering in Feb 1982 from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1983 and 1988 from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA. He became a Reader and Associate Professor in 1996 with the University of Melbourne, Australia. Following a sabbatical leave with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and a consulting experience with Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, he joined the University of California, Riverside, CA in Feb 2001, where he has advanced to Professor IX. Dr. Hua has published hundreds of articles in the fields of Signal Processing, Wireless Communications and Sensor Networks. He was elected to Fellow of IEEE in 2002 and Fellow of AAAS in 2011.
