意大利都灵理工大学Fabrizio Bonani教授讲座


主题ThemeResearch activities: An overview to foster cooperation

时间Time2022110日(周一),20:00-21:30 (北京时间)/January 10, 2022Monday),20:00-21:30 (Beijing Time)

地点(Venue):线上会议 / Zoom Meeting ID88292838004,会议密码 / Passcode689050



本次讲座将对Fabrizio Bonani教授的研究活动进行概要介绍,以进一步探寻都灵理工大学与同济大学拓展研究合作的可能性。Fabrizio Bonani教授将首先简要介绍都灵理工大学及两校合作状况,随后阐述自身的学术背景与研究活动。讲座将涵盖Bonani教授当前活跃的三个研究领域,并且都作为具有合作潜能的研究课题:(1)基于物理的设备建模研究,重点为用于类比射频和微波应用的纳米器件可变性问题建模;(2)非线性系统与电路分析研究,重点强调随机来源的MEMS/NEMS能源收集系统建模与设计优化的非线性动力学方法的前沿研究;(3)基于量子经典计算范式的创新计算方法,着重于运用耦合振荡器网络高效计算算法的实现。

The aim of the presentation is to provide a brief summary of Professor Fabrizio Bonani’s research activities with the ultimate goal to explore possible points of contact that could be useful to open new research cooperation between our two institutions. After a brief description of Politecnico di Torino and of the current status of its relations with Tongi University, Professor Fabrizio Bonani will describe his academic background and he will focus on three main research areas that, being currently active, are all possible topics upon which novel research relations can be built. Namely, he will briefly describe his activities in the area of physics-based device modelling, with emphasis on the modelling of variability issues in nanoscale devices for analog RF and microwave applications of nonlinear system and circuit analysis, highlighting the most recent activities in the area of nonlinear dynamic methods for the modeling and optimised design of MEMS/NEMS energy harvesting systems with random energy sources, and of unconventional computation methods based on the Quantum Inspired Classic Computation paradigm (https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2021-10-04), with a focus on the use of coupled oscillator network to efficiently implement computation algorithms.

Fabrizio Bonani教授简介

Fabrizio Bonani教授是意大利都灵理工大学电子与电信系电子学专业教授,由都灵理工大学校长任命,负责都灵理工大学与同济大学的合作关系与学术合作项目;主要研究领域包括创新计算范式发展、基于物理的半导体器件模拟、功率电路和器件的热分析和非线性电路与动力系统分析与模拟;有约200篇论文在国际期刊和专业评审的国际会议上发表,并有两本合著专著;于20102011年任职于IEEE国际电子器件会议(IEDM)的建模与仿真委员会;2003年加入任IEEE MTT协会低噪声技术委员会(MTT-14),并担任主席(2014-2017)和副主席(2011-2014);2013年成为IEEE 国际微波研讨会(IMS)技术计划评审委员会成员。

Fabrizio Bonani is Full Professor of Electronics at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He has been appointed by the Rector of Politecnico di Torino responsible for the relations with Tongji University and Academic responsible for the PoliTong joint program. His research interests are mainly devoted to the development of non-conventional computation paradigms, the physics-based simulation of semiconductor devices, the thermal analysis of power circuits and devices, and the analysis and simulation of nonlinear circuits and dynamical systems. He published about 200 papers in international journals and peer-reviewed international conferences, and he co-authored two books. He served in the Modeling and Simulation committee for the IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) in the years 2010 and 2011, and from 2003 he is member of the IEEE MTT Society Technical Committee on Low-Noise Techniques (MTT-14) (Vice-Chair 2011-2014, Chair 2014-2017). Since 2013, he is a member of the Technical Program Review Committee for the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS).